Thursday, December 15, 2005

Druids R Us

Evidence suggests there were many Christian missions sent to evangelize Britain beginning in the first century. Such jurisdictions as the Hebraic (Jerusalem), Ephesine, East Syrian, Alexandrian and Roman Churches can all be argued as present at some period with historically founded conviction. To facilitate the conversion of the Celts, further evidence suggests that the Druidic schools were often converted to Christianity as a whole since their theology of God was not totally dissimilar to the Israelites and later, Christianity:
    "This was the Druidic trinity, the three aspects of which were known as Beli, Taran, Esu or Yesu. When Christianity preached Jesus as God, it preached the most familiar name of its own deity to Druidism: and in the ancient British tongue 'Jesus' has never assumed its Greek, Latin, or Hebrew form, but remains the pure Druidic 'Yesu.' It is singular thus that the ancient Briton has never changed the name of the God he and his forefathers worshipped, nor has ever worshipped but one God."
It is believed by many historians that the Druids did communicate with their counterparts in other cultures including those in the middle East and the Orient. This suggests that the Hebrew Scriptures were well known to them as were other religious writings.

"For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers: For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow" (Job 8:8-9).

The further back we journey into the historical and religious mists of the ancient world, the more amazed we should be at how these antiquitous records authenticate the annals found in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Early Druid writings tell of God in Hebrew thought-forms. The universe is infinite, being the body of the being who out of himself [a Judahite thought-form identical to the belief of 1st century Hebrews in Judaea] evolved or created it, and now pervades and rules it, as the mind of man does his body. The essence of this being is pure, mental light, and therefore he is called Du-w, Duw (the one without any darkness). His real name is an ineffable mystery, and so also is his nature. [Sound familiar?]. To the human mind, though not in himself he necessarily represents a triple aspect in relation to the past, present and future [God’s triunity]; the creator as to the past, the saviour or conserver as to the present, the renovator or re-creator as to the future. "There are Three Primeval Unities, and more than one of each cannot exist; One God: One Truth: and One Point of Liberty where all opposites preponderate. Three things proceed from the Three Primeval Unities: All of life, All that is Good, and All Power" (Matthew Arnold).

The Druids also believed, according to scholar Max Mueller -- one-time professor of Sanskrit at Oxford -- that nature was merely God "in disguise." As we progress in resurrecting the first century thought-form we are uncovering a massive wealth of evidence that substantiates the biblical revelation! The Druid doctrine concerning man’s spiritual life is framed in the Druidic Triads:

"In every person there is a soul,
In every soul there is intelligence:
In every intelligence there is thought,
In every thought there is either good or evil:
In every evil there is death;
In every good there is life,
In every life there is God."


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